Pool Tiny power together with multiple other members

Can we pool support for a single topic or proposal to actually get it on the governance vote? I do not have 450,000 Tiny to create a proposal. What I am saying is if enough community members support a specific proposal can we pool our Tiny power together to get this on the governance page via Tinyman?

This may be helpful to those who have amazing ideas such as this one (Tiered Fee Pools) but may lack the total Tiny power to create the proposal?

Think this may be very helpful for those great ideas out there but whom may actually lack the individual Tiny power.

I know this is a pseudo repeat of this question from yazyyyyyyy.algo but wanted to actually ask out right.


Maybe this issue can be solved using temp check vestibule. Meaning, there is 100k TINY power requirement to do proposal temp check and then that temp check will have to get 450k TINY power within 14 days to pass into actual voting. Actual voting will then last 7 days.
This way we block people from spamming proposals, but it lowers barrier a bit when people with 100k TINY power can make proposals, but also need community support to pass 450k mark. Even in this case people with 450k TINY power can do proposal temp checks and push them thru alone. So this will take nothing away from 450k TINY holders, but helps community driven proposals.
This type of model will also increase community involvement and gives people time to prepare. What I mean by this is that if proposal comes out from blue and you have 7 days to vote, you can easily miss it, but if there is first 14 day temp check period + 7 day actual voting period, you then have 21 days in total to see coming proposals and vote.
This model will also help community projects to engage when whey can do their own inner proposals first. What I mean by this is, for example CRV (COOP DAO) have to vote first how they will vote with their +100K TINY power and that will take usually full 7 days, so using 14 day temp check period, DAO can do their own voting in meantime and then be ready to vote when actual proposal goes live.
After all 21 day total period is not too long and I think 7 days from blue is bit too fast. Maybe this kind of model will be good for everyone. Takes nothing away from large holders, but will give smaller holders power to group behind one proposal.

I think that 100k requirement is reasonable, because we don’t want to lower it too much so people will not try to take advantage of Tinyman and use it for short term pumps and gains, but is not that high that it will block all normies out.
