Get Tiny listed on Binance

I propose to get tiny listed on Binance and on coin market cap. Who agrees?


What could be the advantages of joining such a large exchange? do they delist us immediately? or with adequate advertising we do the. bang?


Certainly advertising will be a great idea to bring new funds, new brand awareness. Joining Binance will expose Tiny to the largest exchange and give credibility, exposure and access to the largest ‘crypto shop’ globally. Listing on CMC will allow me to track my folio better and keep an eye on the price of Tiny. Why is it not there yet and only on coin gecko?


Coingecko is platform where is shown all data of the cryptocurrency. At the bottom of the Coingecko page you can find all exchanges where are tradeable Tiny.
I agree with you to list Tiny on Binance. It’ s also right to list on Coinbase, because they link here when you through the quiz Earn and Learn


Binance and Coinbase are both fine ideas, what are the requirements to remain listed? I can’t imagine many outside of Algo would know what Tinyman is.


Binance listing fee is between $1 million and $2.5 million. Depends which website you look at, so who will pay that listing fee if TINY will pass review process? Crowdfunding or do you have some actual executable plan? Easy always to say, do this and that, but maybe reality check time to time, might be in place. Sorry to ruin party, but if you do not have ready plan for this, then this proposal is kind of pointless.


Hey ROAM thanks for your input, Tiny has $.5 Million average daily trading volume I wonder how much of that goes towards the dex. Im just a tiny user/client so dont know their budgets. However knowing the costs involved is good for people to understand. I’d need to be part of the tiny team to be able to create a realistic plan. So I can just create a discussion so its out there, maybe it can grow.


My point was not to be rude, but I have just seen so many “pump token price” post in many chats that feel bit tired to see them.
If you had some actual genuine reason why to list TINY into Binance and how it will help Tinyman platform to push forward, then I apologize, but I think Tinyman team can do a lot more with $1 million in here platform wise.
CEX listing can help Tinyman and whole Algorand ecosystem to onboard users if done in the right way, but I think that is more like whole Algorand ecosystem marketing push, rather than Tinyman job alone. So I think if we want to do TINY listing as flagship token on Algorand, then I think Algorand foundation should help with that. But alone to put all the weight onto Tinyman shoulders can be too much to ask.

But that said, $1 million bet might be too much. CEX listing do not guarantee success. if that fails, I am pretty sure, many will ask why we used $1 million into failed listing rather than concensus incentives.


Hey Roam, Great points mate, I was not at all thinking you were rude, I like the discussion. As with any token listed on Binance it brings it great exposure and new investment. Thats why I thought it is a good idea to get listed there. And totally agree that the Algo foundation should be involved in actioning and maybe helping the funding/marketing of this key algo exchange.


Means more liquidity coming into the Liquidity Pools and more fees and interest being generated on our money… :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::rocket::rocket::rocket:


This is a solid idea which I fully support.

Tinyman can aim to list sometime next year and from now start to allocate funds towards the cost of listing.

Firstly - tinyman has spare funds as of now - the unclaimed air drops. Can use these and sell them slowly over a year to avoid market volatility.

Secondly, can aim to use some rewards from certain pools and allocate funds towards listing accordingly.

It can easily be done if planned well in advance.

Listing tinyman on binance would give solid exposure to tinyman and Algorand ecosystem as a whole - it’s a win win.

Over the past years I have been saying to get ASA listed on top tier exchanges like Binance but it seems project founders don’t seem to want it for some reason.

NO ASAs are listed on binance or any top tier exchanges.

The only ASA is Opul which is listed on kucoin and look at their trading volume - they have left Algorand and yet people still trade them on tinyman…

Exposure is everything.

You can have the best product but without exposure it’s useless. You cannot grow.

I strongly suggest tinyman to look into allocating funds for listing on binance.


I did not know that about coinbase and Tiny with the learn and earn, I often used that in the past. I regularly check for freebies on coinbase so I appreciate you contributing to the discussion and I applaud you if this is your first time doing so.

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Oh that is a bummer about the listing fee. I’ll see what I can do but I’m afraid you’re right regarding listing on binance.

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Very very points raised. Excellent input.

Its well to check a time to time on Coinbase, because they give trusted support to learn and earn quizes. That quiz about Algo lasted maybe 2 weeks, then dissappeared from newsfeed and from past quizes.

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If the exposure has much count I suggest also to try on Coinbase, because they had a favour by earn and learn quiz for Algo which lead here through Pera wallet

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its such a great idea. How does listing eligibility works on Binance?
I think for Tiny token could gain popularity if it is peg to BTC

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