$tiny value & tinyman platform usage

What’s up my fellow TINYMAN Brothers & Sisters! I sincerely hope every single one of you are feeling, looking, believing, thinking, and living life like the Rockstars that I know you all are, or you wouldn’t be a part of such a Rockstar Platform such as TINYMAN!

What I truly love the most about TINYMAN, is that TINYMAN gives the average Man/Woman, a chance to be a TINY_BIG_MAN.

What I want to propose at this time should give every TINYMAN believer, supporter, and contributor something to really think about if you truly believe in what TINYMAN has created, when you consider what the term INCLUSION means, and/or what leveling the playing field really stands for. All entirely built on the most Exclusive Blockchain Tech of all Blockchain Tech, Algorand!

If you really want to see $TINY value, $TINY commitment, $TINY the most in demand TOKEN, $TINY the SCARCEST of all tokens…

Then, I propose that all $TINY holders, preferably TINYMAN GOVERNORS (to be decided by everyone), receive a % of ALL TRANSACTION FEE’S on the TINYMAN Platform, paid out in $ALGO, which in turn will cause the $TINY token to become even more scarcest than it’ll already become after such an implementation as this proposal. Centralize Exchanges & Market Makers will be Courting $TINYMAN to list our token instead of us Courting them…

Details and fine tuning will of course be worked out by the most Wonderful TINYMAN Team & Experts, as well as the Big Boys & Girls-Governors of TINYMAN who are by the way, just as important as the rest of TINYMAN as a whole!

Thank you all so very much for your time, consideration, services, commitment, as well as any feedback, sincerely yours, Metamorphicz!

The best!!!


This is also in addition to our continuous $TINY Governance rewards, which will also assure much longer team commitments. Making the demand for $TINY even higher as the above reasons, causing the value of $TINY to go through the roof, with not much of a incentive to sell due to the passive income you make by long-term holding! Making $TINY not only an aggressive store of value, but a true life time asset to hold for generations!


I definitely agree to this but perhaps this could be done later on as the protocol matures even more and regulations become clearer to ensure long-term sustenance of the mechanism.

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Will that shorten tiny man’s ability to accomplish what it has planned over the next 4 years until the tokens are taken out of their locked smart contract? Am I wrong but isn’t tiny man limited to a certain amount of total tokens, creating higher demand through scarcity of tokens would certainly drive the price of individual tokens of tiny man through the roof but it also could have a detrimental effect with whales coming in and buying humongous swathes in order to do what they do best. Make it harder for the retail investor like myself. He’s please forgive me if this makes absolutely no sense and is a stupid question. I appreciate your time and energy.

“I propose that all $TINY holders, preferably TINYMAN GOVERNORS (to be decided by everyone), receive a % of ALL TRANSACTION FEE’S on the TINYMAN Platform” - not good. So swap fee is already 0.3% and you want to increase it or take cut away from Tinyman team or liquidity providers? You can’t really cut Tinyman team fee because it is already so low. Then you have only option to raise fee even higher which is not good in my opinion. 0.3% starts to be about max you can take. Then if you take cut from liquidity providers, you will probably lower liquidity on platform. and if cut is very very tiny, then I think it will not be meaningful.

So because of mentioned reasons. I think this is bad idea.

Best regards,

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