Title: [Tinyman’s IP (Intellectual Property) Establish the scope of use of rights]
Abstract: To establish the scope of use of the Tiny Man character in terms of all rights, and to provide details and clarification on the WEB site so that users can use the character with ease.
Objective: Recognition of the character leads to recognition of Tiny Man as a DEX, and this is a promotional activity using the IP for the purpose of increasing users and TVL.
Background: With the development of WEB3, both many CEXs and DEXs will become more sophisticated, and the difference in APR is expected to gradually shrink. Therefore, we proposed this project because we felt the need to work not only on the numbers, but also to make people become attached to the Tiny Man project through the characters, and to make the project a project that will be loved and used for a long time.
Details: Tiny Man staff will be asked to create a set of rules and regulations regarding the character, including legal aspects. We will describe them on the website immediately after completion and post them on X and Medium.
In particular, to what extent can we use the Tiny Man characters as fans to create and sell NFTs? It is also important that the terms and conditions are established in anticipation of cases that may arise after the scope of use of the character is defined. Include prohibited items.
Some people will consider creating goods using the characters. Rather, they should be created with a bang and encouraged to promote awareness as quickly as possible. Because someday, other major DEXs from other chains may suddenly enter the Algorand.
The first step in increasing the number of users and TVLs is to make Tiny Man known. Even if there is a juicy APY, if it is not known, it will not start. The reason why TV and Internet ads are thriving is because they are so effective.
It only starts when people know about it, visit the website, and use it.
So, the implementation timeline should be as early as possible.
Challenges and Considerations: We have to consider the legal aspects of this project, and it will take time. We want to move as quickly as possible based on other cases.In 2024 if possible.
Benefits: The scope of use of the character is defined, so users can use it with peace of mind.
Metrics for Success: Show the image to a child on the street and answer, “Tinyman!”, it is a success.
Budget and funding: I have no idea, so I’ll leave it up to Tiny Man staff. I want this to be budgeted well, as I believe this will be a matter of survival in the future.
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