Utility of $TINY Tokens

Who gets to veto? The community, or the developers?

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I think it is the developer who has the veto. I agree with this and it is essential. Other big pioneering DAOs have veto power on the project side as well. This is because without it, you canā€™t stop runaway proposals that only benefit a few people.


Itā€™s decentralization theater.

Participating in ā€˜governanceā€™ with your tokens is meaningless if you truly have no say and the developers are free to overrule at will.


There are stages to governance, and even if the proposal by the $TINY token holders passes, it will still need to be vetoed for management and sustained operations, as it is currently the TINY staff that develops and executes them.

Governance that does not require veto power is the final form and is still a long way off. Whatever proposal is passed, I believe that a veto will only be unnecessary when it all works automatically with smart contracts, does not require staff, and is run autonomously.

As a reference example of a DEX DAO veto, Curve Financeā€™s Curve DAO has a 9-member ā€œEmergency DAOā€ with a 5/9 multisig in place that can disable all functions except withdrawals in the event of a possible loss of funds. The addition or exclusion of members to the Emergency DAO is determined by the Curve DAO.



I have to agree strongly with this. Decentralization is the goal, but governance tokens wonā€™t be decentralized enough to prevent a potential whale or group to create one-sided proposals. Iā€™d be in favor of seeing tiers for proposals regarding developer vetos, ie, allocations of rewards for pools could be voted on periodically without the potential for veto, with max limits for any one token pair. On the other hand, more major changes that could have the potential to dramatically change how Tinyman operates or integrates with other platforms would still have developer veto power for stability. A plan for phased out veto power over the course of time and objectively provable token distribution/decentralization would be reasonable to see.


A new article has been published. It is so detailed that we cannot reproduce some of it, so please read it.


Hello!!! @yazyyyyyyy.algo I just joined the Forum and reading thru everyoneā€™s feed backā€¦ I like your suggestion on the use case for the Tiny Tokensā€¦ This is a great ideaā€¦ :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4::fire::fire::fire: